Enable this feature on Java 19 using the JVM flag -enable-preview. Virtual threads make it possible for JRuby applications to create thousands of concurrently-executing fibers. Fibers can now be configured to use OpenJDK Project Loom’s virtual threads, which are lightweight and do not consume a native platform thread.psych has been updated to 3.3.3 to address CVE-2022-25857, an element-nesting DoS.csv has been updated to 3.2.5 to pick up a fix that eliminates fiber use for simple parse_line calls.Thread termination at shutdown is more robust and visits all non-main threads.

I started the process of elimination to determine what was causing it to hang or reboot, so I started to shut off what I had open. My problem turned out to be Task Manager. I'm logged into the machine 24/7 via chrome remote desktop so I can make sure its constantly running on a tablet. I had NH open, along with six GPU-Z windows (one for each GPU) and task manager just to see load and what not. I had a similar issue where the PC would reboot or lock up on my Six 5700XT rig.