Salesforce app builder certification exam questions
Salesforce app builder certification exam questions

  • Creating and assigning business processes.
  • This section of the exam tests these topics. This unit prepares you for the Object Manager and Lightning App Builder section of the Salesforce Administrator exam, which makes up 20% of the overall exam.
  • Practice common scenarios related to standard and custom objects.
  • Determine how to create and assign page layouts, record types, and business processes for standard and custom objects.
  • salesforce app builder certification exam questions salesforce app builder certification exam questions

    Explain how to create, edit, delete, and customize fields and page layouts on standard and custom objects and the implications of deleting fields.Describe the standard object architecture and relationship model.

    salesforce app builder certification exam questions

    After completing this unit, you'll be able to:

    Salesforce app builder certification exam questions